Monday, May 31, 2010

The little things.............

Here are some of my favorites.....

Time Flies..........

I often thought about writing on my blog,but didnt think many people would read it. I see a few people stopping by here,thought maybe I should update it!

Well, at around 8:10pm on Monday,May 17...I became a grandma! So many mixed feelings.Happy,sad,worried...Confused....But looking at little Nivayah in all of her 7lbs,13oz's of cuteness, I couldn't help but smile. Smile at the perfect little face of hers. All the dark hair,the chubby cheeks...Her 10 fingers and 10 toes...That wonderful baby smell. My heart just melted when I saw my son hold her for the first time. He is such a proud young man. I still can't believe that I am for sure a grandma.....It doesn't seem real,just 18 short years ago, I held him in my arms for the very first time. Its going to be a long hard road for them,but they will get it right!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2010

Wow....where did the time go? Its 2010 already. The days just don't seem long enough. In a way I am glad its a new year though. A new start with some things. An end to some others. I did make some New Years Resolutions,and I am not sure why. I never seem to go thru with them and end up kicking myself later on for not atleast trying to make it.

My only issue is my weight. That is the one resolution I make to change and I always seem to fail. So I am at it again......Maybe this year will be that magical year!!!

Happy New Year everyone.......